April 6, 2023

Reverse Proxying Framer through cloudflare workers

Posted on April 6, 2023  •  3 minutes  • 455 words
Table of contents

Understanding Reverse Proxying with Cloudflare Workers

Reverse proxying is a powerful technique that allows you to serve your Framer-powered content directly from the edge, using a service like Cloudflare Workers. By setting up a reverse proxy, you can improve the performance and reliability of your Framer site, as the content is delivered closer to your users, reducing latency and improving the overall user experience.

Setting up the Reverse Proxy with Cloudflare Workers

  1. Create a Cloudflare Workers Account: If you haven’t already, sign up for a Cloudflare Workers account. Cloudflare offers a free plan that is suitable for many use cases.

  2. Create a New Cloudflare Worker: In the Cloudflare Workers dashboard, create a new worker by clicking on the “Create a Worker” button.

  3. Configure the Worker: In the worker editor, you’ll need to write the code that will handle the reverse proxying. Here’s an example:

addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  const url = new URL(request.url)
  const isFramerRequest = url.hostname.endsWith('')

  if (isFramerRequest) {
    const response = await fetch(`https://${url.hostname}${url.pathname}`, {
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'text/html',
        'Cache-Control': 'max-age=3600' // Cache the response for 1 hour
    return response
  } else {
    return new Response('Not a Framer request', { status: 404 })

This code listens for incoming requests and checks if the request is for a Framer-powered site (i.e., the hostname ends with If it is, the worker forwards the request to the Framer site and returns the response. If it’s not a Framer request, the worker returns a 404 response.

  1. Deploy the Worker: Once you’ve written the code, deploy the worker by clicking the “Deploy” button in the Cloudflare Workers dashboard.

Benefits of Reverse Proxying Framer through Cloudflare Workers

Enhancing Reverse Proxying with Caching

In addition to seamlessly integrating content from any source into your web application, it’s crucial to optimize the performance of your reverse proxy setup. One effective way to do this is by implementing caching. This ensures that once a design or content is loaded, subsequent requests for the same content are served from the cache, reducing the load on the original servers and improving the response time for your users.


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